When coding for cancer diagnosis, here is a handy on line dictionary on cancer terms from National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms Cancer Types tab Select a type of cancer to learn about treatment, causes and prevention, screening, and the latest research. NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms The NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms features 8,727 terms related to cancer and medicine. cancer type https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms Chart documentation may include location, site, laterality, specific site on body, including stage (how much has grown and spread). Document current status of neoplasm, if responding to treatment, or if historical with no active treatment or recurrence Consider using the term 'in remission' in place of 'history of' when describing the cancer, as appropriate. When adjuvant therapy is used, document its purpose if curative, palliative or preventive. Document an referrals...