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Showing posts with the label Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) provider

ICD-10 Implementation and Medicare Testing Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) provider

Published on Apr 27, 2015 CMS is offering acknowledgement testing and end-to-end testing to help the Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) provider community get ready for the October 1, 2015 implementation date. During this MLN Connects™ National Provider Call, CMS subject matter experts discuss opportunities for testing and results from previous testing weeks, along with implementation issues and resources for providers. • ICD-10: The Road Forward, Denesecia Green: 01:22 • Medicare’s Testing Plan for ICD-10 Success, Stacey Shagena: 22:32 • Resources: 30:51 This video does not include the question and answer session that took place during the call. To listen to the audio, read the text of the question and answer session, or to download the slide presentation, go to the ICD-10 call detail page at to access these call materials. #HCC #ICD10 #CMS #ICD9 #RiskAdjustment #Career #MedicalCoding...